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The Southeast Asian Mathematical Society seeks to promote the advancement of mathematics and facilitate exchange and collaboration between mathematicians in the Southeast Asian region, and Asia in general. It is composed of the members of mathematical societies in Southeast Asia.

SEAMS was founded in 1972, the result of a Southeast Asian tour by our founding president Prof Wong Yung Chow of the University of Hong Kong. With the support of mathematicians in the region, the inaugural meeting was held in July 1972 in Singapore. Over the years, exchanges and collaboration were fostered, mathematical societies were founded and strengthened.

The facilitation of mathematical exchanges led to regional conferences on mathematics and mathematics education. Among the series of conferences initiated by SEAMS was the Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematics Education (SEACME), which began in 1978 and was held every three years until 1999. SEACME has since then merged with another outcome of regional exchanges, the East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME). 

The focal activity of SEAMS is the Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC) series, held every 4-5 years and hosted by countries in Asia. The first AMC was held in Hong Kong  (1990), followed by Thailand (1995), Philippines (2000), Singapore (2005),  Malaysia (2009) and South Korea (2013).  The latest AMC took place on 25-29 July 2016 in Bali, Indonesia.

(read more about the early history of SEAMS) 


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